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Liviu Prunaru © Renske Vrolijk

Close-up: Liviu Prunaru

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Tue, Oct 17 Close-up: Liviu Prunaru

  • Time

  • Location

    Recital Hall

  • Price

    from €42.00

Close-up: Liviu Prunaru

Concertmaster Liviu Prunaru and colleagues from the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra will play Dvořák's Terzetto and Tchaikovsky’s string sextet Souvenir de Florence, a late-romantic masterpiece with all the elegance of Mozart and the lyricism of Italian bel canto.

  • Organizer

    Vereniging Vrienden van Het Concertgebouw en het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest

  • Genre

    Chamber Music

Event information and tickets

  • Prices and ranks

Category 1
  • Drinks are included in the price of admission. When the price category 'Online sprint under 30' is available, you can order 1 ticket 4 hours before the start of a concert.
  • Prices do not include transaction fee: € 4,50 per order.



  • Liviu Prunaru violin
  • Valentina Svyatlovskaya violin
  • Sophia Reuter viola
  • Saeko Oguma viola
  • Joris van den Berg cello
  • Gregor Horsch cello


  • Enescu

    Ménétrier (from Impressions d'enfance in D major, op. 28)

  • Prokofjev

    Andante cantabile (from Sonata in C major, op. 56)

  • Dvořák

    Tema con Variazioni (from Terzetto in C major, op. 74, B 148)

  • Smetana

    Allegro vivo appassionato (from String Quartet No. 1 in e minor 'From My Life')

  • Brahms

    deel (from String Quintet No. 2 in G major, op. 111)

  • Tsjaikovski

    Souvenir de Florence in d minor, op. 70

  • This concert has an intermission