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Milagro Elstak

Iván Fischer conducts the Concertgebouw Orchestra in Mendelssohn, Debussy, Satie and Ravel

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Sun, Oct 8 Iván Fischer conducts the Concertgebouw Orchestra in Mendelssohn, Debussy, Satie and Ravel

  • Time

  • Location

    Main Hall

  • Price

    from €29.00

Iván Fischer conducts the Concertgebouw Orchestra in Mendelssohn, Debussy, Satie and Ravel

Iván Fischer combines Mendelssohn with the enchanting French orchestral sounds of Debussy, Satie, and Ravel. James Ehnes appears as soloist with the Concertgebouw Orchestra.

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  • Drinks are included in the price of admission. When the price category 'Online sprint under 30' is available, you can order 1 ticket 4 hours before the start of a concert.
  • Prices do not include transaction fee: € 4,50 per order.



  • Concertgebouw Orchestra
  • Iván Fischer conductor
  • James Ehnes violin


  • Felix Mendelssohn

    Ouverture 'Ein Sommernachtstraum'

  • Felix Mendelssohn

    Violin Concerto in e minor, op. 64

  • Debussy

    Printemps, suite symphonique

  • Satie

    Gymnopédie No. 3 (orch. C. Debussy)

  • Satie

    Gnossienne No. 3 (arr. F. Poulenc)

  • Ravel

    Daphnis et Chloé, Suite No. 2

The music fragments are from another concert. Visitors will hear a different performance in the concert to be ordered.
  • This concert has an intermission