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Concertgebouworkest © Milagro Elstak

Children’s Concert: King Climbing Tree (6+, in Dutch)

  • Recital Hall
  • from 10,00
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Children’s Concert: King Climbing Tree (6+, in Dutch)


  • Leden van het Concertgebouworkest
  • Lotte van Dijck text, director
  • Rogier van Erkel actor


music from 'Peer Gynt'

  • This concert has no intermission

About the concert

The musical story of Peer the climber, performed in the Recital Hall. Peer's incredible story is told in words by Rogier van Erkel and in the music played by musicians from the Concertgebouw Orchestra with their instruments.

Please note: narration during this concert will be in Dutch.

Tree climber

Peer is a dreamy and VERY headstrong tree climber who climbs a tree whenever his mother gets angry with him again. High up in the greenery, he has all kinds of adventures and meets the most amazing characters. Then, he goes into the mountains, leaving behind his mother and his beloved girlfriend, Solveig. During his journey, Peer almost marries the Troll King's daughter, is given unsolicited advice from Kromme, the Crooked One, and even meets death. He must prove that he genuinely is someone who would be missed, so he thinks about Solveig. Then, finally, he can return home.

Children's concert (6+)

Don’t miss this children's concert about the headstrong tree climber Peer, performed by musicians from the Concertgebouw Orchestra! Peer's story is told in words by Rogier van Erkel (in Dutch), and in music, through Grieg’s lovely Peer Gynt, as played by the musicians with their instruments.

  • Genre

    Family Concert

  • Organizer


  • Thanks to:

    ING, Unilever and Booking.com Global Partners Concertgebouw Orchestra


Category 1Category 2
  • Drinks are included in the price of admission. When the price category 'Online sprint under 30' is available, you can order 1 ticket 4 hours before the start of a concert.

  • Prices do not include transaction fee: € 5 per order.