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Misha Fomin © Hans van der Woerd

Pianist Misha Fomin plays Beethoven, Bach-Brahms and Chopin

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Sun, Nov 17 Pianist Misha Fomin plays Beethoven, Bach-Brahms and Chopin

  • Time

  • Location

    Recital Hall

  • Price

    from €32.00

Pianist Misha Fomin plays Beethoven, Bach-Brahms and Chopin

Pianist Misha Fomin is bringing some Romantic masterpieces for piano to the Recital Hall. The ‘Appassionata’ belongs to the greatest and well-known sonatas of Ludwig van Beethoven. With his genius variations on a relatively short theme Johann Sebastian Bach created in his

Chaconne a unique musical universe. The Twelve etudes by Frederic Chopin are magnificent performance pieces full of tension, emotion,

beautiful melodies and sparkling passagework.

  • Organizer

    Stichting Beethoven 2027

  • Genre

    Chamber Music

Event information and tickets

  • Prices and ranks

Category 1+Category 1Category 2
  • Drinks are included in the price of admission. When the price category 'Online sprint under 30' is available, you can order 1 ticket 4 hours before the start of a concert.
  • Prices do not include transaction fee: € 4,50 per order.



  • Misha Fomin piano


  • Beethoven

    Sonata No. 23 in f minor, op. 57 'Appassionata'

  • J.S. Bach/Brahms

    Chaconne in d minor

  • Chopin

    Twaalf etudes, op. 25

The music fragments are from another concert. Visitors will hear a different performance in the concert to be ordered.
  • This concert has an intermission