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© J Konrad Schmidt

Martin Kohlstedt

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Martin Kohlstedt

Classical music and electronics come together when Martin Kohlstedt fuses classical grand piano and synthesiser in his live performances. An evening with Martin Kohlstedt is unique every time. His pieces have no set form, but are constantly in motion as sounds, improvisation, the surroundings and the audience come together.

  • Organizer

    Het Concertgebouw Eigen Programmering

  • Genre

    Neoclassical, Pop

Event information and tickets

  • Prices and ranks

Category 1+Category 1Category 2
  • For this event, a drink is not included in the price of admission. When the price category 'Online sprint under 30' is available, you can order 1 ticket 4 hours before the start of a concert.
  • Prices do not include transaction fee: € 4,50 per order.



  • Martin Kohlstedt piano, synthesizer, electronics
  • This concert has no intermission

Sound and vision