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Campagne juli 3 c Eduardus Lee

Information on how to make use of your voucher

How can I redeem my Enjoy Later Vouchers?

During the COVID19 pandemic, The Concertgebouw had to cancel many concerts. Many people changed their tickets to an Enjoy Later Voucher. In your account, you can see the amount of pending vouchers you have.

Do you have vouchers due to concerts that have been canceled? If you want to use this credit when buying new tickets, do the following:

  • Go to your account.
  • Under the 'gift cards' tab you will find your Enjoy Later Vouchers (and other credits or gift cards).
  • Write down the number and pin code of your Enjoy Later Voucher. Please note: if your voucher was issued before 9 November 2021, the pin code is the last 4 digits of the voucher number.
  • During the ordering process, in the last step before checkout under the heading 'Gift card', you can enter the mentioned number and pin code.
  • The value of your vouchers will be deducted from the total amount.